Before the marriage
In order for this unique day of your life to go without any problems, you should prepare yourself in advance and consult your doubts with a professional. Timely start of preparations will surely cause the participants of marriage ceremonies and wedding parties to experience unforgettable emotions. While professionally preparing for the ceremony, each Young Couple should get familiar with topics and rules that make the wedding day an unforgettable moment. First of all, it is caused by the perfect planning of the whole event and not due to bloomers and faux pas committed by the ceremony main participants. The couching session bundle prepared by Art of Manners is intended for people who are getting ready to take part in marriage and wedding ceremonies (Young Couple, Parents, Bridesmaids and Best Men). It concerns the following topics: correct way of preparing invitations, the menu and guest list with assignment of seats in accordance with the rule of precedence, choice of the right method of serving meals during the wedding party, assistance with the arrangement of tables and interiors, good manners and etiquette during meals, proper presence and dress code (with special attention paid to wedding outfits) and before, during and after the event – that is duties of the wedding party’s hosts.